Our services range from questionnaire development through analysis. With our associates we offer total project management or you can use our services for any stage of your project. Each project, from a small coding job to a long term tracking study, receives the same quality service and attention to detail. Our extensive experience in research data management ensures that your output is precisely what you need.

Just some of the services we offer:
Crosstabs and Processing: We provide services all the way through to presentation quality reports, including banner tables with labeling, flexible basing, and statistics; significance testing of proportions and means with significance differences; mean summary tables, nets within nets, ranking and multiple basing; and other custom programming solutions.

Data Conversion and Output: We can convert data to and from formats (Excel, SPSS, dBase, CSV) with output supplied on disk or electronically.

Data Preparation: We can reformat and recode, match and merge, and sort files from the same and different files. We provide data entry from multiple sources.

Coding: We offer code list development, coding from paper, disk or combined sources, coding of open-ended responses.

Data Collection: Through our associates we assist with all functions of data collection including phone interviewing, intercepts, mail surveys, CATI, field management, reporting and consulting.

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